
Welcome to my portfolio!

I’m happy you reached this little corner of the Internet, and I’m excited to get to know you better. But, for now, let me introduce myself.

My name is Emily, and I am a San Diego-based public relations professional and freelance lifestyle writer, covering fitness, health & wellness, food, travel and other lifestyle content. My experience ranges from editorial writing to blogging to web content development, but at the heart of it all, my passion lies in storytelling.

While I formally began my writing career with my collegiate newspaper, The Vanderbilt Hustler, writing has been in my DNA for as long as my memory serves. I began penning handwritten family newspapers for holiday gifts when I was in elementary school, and in high school, I was always scrawling short stories in ragged journals. When I headed off to college, I naturally gravitated towards journalism, working my way up the editorial staff ranks to a senior writer. Not only did I have the privilege of interviewing a wide range of subjects, including Nobel Peace Prize winner Leymah Gbowee, and developing investigative stories into Greek life and campus conduct, I also helped launch The Vanderbilt Hustler’s website and social media platforms as Social Media Director.

When I graduated, I dove into a full-time career in public relations where I flexed my writing muscles through press releases, pitches, blogs and social media content, while simultaneously continuing to build my journalism career on the side. I began to freelance write for a variety of both print and digital publications, including LOCALE Magazine, Fitt, Elite Daily, BuzzFeed, The Daily Beast, Greatist, and POPSUGAR. I’ve had the opportunity to profile makers and shakers, including TV star Adelaide Kane, detail every delicious ingredient artfully used by award-winning chefs, share my misadventures in romance and friendship and highlight buzzworthy fitness and wellness trends in San Diego and beyond.

When I wasn’t on assignment, I was building my former lifestyle blog, Espresso & Endorphins (previously The Post-Grad Files), where I told the stories that made up my own life - from my own health and fitness experiences to my love for new cities and cultures to my book and TV recommendations and everything in between. Espresso & Endorphins offered a way to connect with a diverse set of readers, partner with established brands like CVS and Vital Proteins and finesse my own personal voice.

As time has progressed, I’ve continued to tell stories - in ways beyond journalism and lifestyle blogging. I’ve partnered with a variety of companies ranging from non-profits to health/fitness organizations to beauty and skincare brands to tell their own stories in impactful ways. I’ve launched new corporate websites, strategically crafted ongoing web content strategy, penned corporate blogs and drafted compelling newsletters, ultimately delivering messaging and the stories that build a loyal customer base.

When I’m not actively telling lifestyle or corporate stories, you can likely find me with a book in hand (currently reading book 45 of 2020) or on my yoga mat. I love exploring new places, particularly in an outdoor active capacity, and I’m an amateur beer connoisseur with a big love for IPAs.

Well, now that you know a little bit more about me, I’d love to get to know you.

Drop me a line and let’s connect!


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